이클론(주)은 책임과
신뢰를 바탕으로 생명공학, 기초과학 그리고 모든 바이오 연구개발에 필요한 최신의 기술과 환경을 도입하고
생명과학 서비스에 최선을 다한다는 경영 이념으로 설립 되었습니다.
분자세포생물학, 면역학, 생화학, 미생물학, 신경과학, 나노공학을 포함한 모든 생명과학 분야를 위한 연구의 동반자로써
최상의 서비스와 전세계 글로벌 기업의 연구용시약,
바이오 장비, 생명공학 기술Custom서비스를
제공 하며, 국내 연구지원, 기술 협력, 서비스 인프라 구축을 위해 품질 높은 서비스를 공급할 것 입니다.
이클론㈜은 최상의 고객만족 시스템을
바탕으로 Custom서비스 및 학술연구지원에 최선을 다하며, 믿음과
신뢰를 기반으로 국내 생명공학 기술발전을 고객과 함께 이루어 나가는 기업이 되겠습니다.
Corp., is a dynamic company specialized in the import and distribution of Life
Science and Diagnostics high quality innovative reagents products, Outsourcing from renowned Bio-Reagent companies, whom we
collaborate effectively with to determine the best possible solutions for lab
in Seoul Metropolitan City, given our great experiences and knowledge in
Marketing, Sales and Technical support, our team consist of highly Skilled and
experienced Personnel, a staff that has a wealth of collective experience in
top-tier Biotechnology research, recognized as a leader to fulfill the position
as preferred distributor in the Academic, Biotech Industrial market, Government
Research Institutes, Private Research Institutions and Pharmaceutical companies
in Korea, regardless of research and discipline.
is committed to making esteemed clients our top priority by offering
unparalleled services, assisting them to pursuit of information and enrichment,
working more closely with our suppliers around the world to ensure customers
receive the products needed for research activities.
are a customer focused company as the first point of contact to post-delivery,
promising to be there every step of the way. Uniquely positioned to implement
our Suppliers desired Brand name and products awareness, with the potential to
change the paradigm of marketing in foreign lands.
Sales & Marketing, and Technical experts will continue in providing advice
throughout the process, continuously monitoring to ensure that we meet the
highest standards of Brands, Quality products, Affordable prices, Best
technical supports, Quick delivery and Well packaged products to the customers
highest priority and emphasis is placed on the integrity of our products and
services, the distribution and compliance with all relevant regulations, guided
by core values of respect, honesty, teamwork and achievement.
is your competent partner in the field of Life Sciences and Diagnostics
Research, Accelerating and Enabling your Research Interests, and as a
future-focused company, we intend to be the premier distributor of reagent
solutions to life science and clinical market, exploring national opportunities
available in both Markets.
이클론㈜ 임원진 일동